TQCSI offers ISO certification globally

Get Certified with TQCSI

Why choose TQCSI for your management system certifications

TQCSI offers ISO certification globally

TQCS International Pty Ltd (TQCSI) was established in Adelaide, South Australia, in August 1995 and was the first South Australian created and owned company providing an auditing service for third party certification. 

Now with international operations, Head Office remains in Adelaide but audits are conducted by Lead Auditors throughout Australia, the Pacific, Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and Europe. 

TQCSI provides auditing and certification of international management system standards, particularly for Quality (ISO 9001), Environmental (ISO 14001), Food Safety (ISO 22000, FSSC 22000 and HACCP), Safety (ISO 45001), Asset Management (ISO 55001), Information Security (ISO/IEC 27001) and Medical Devices (ISO 13485). TQCSI also audits and certifies organisations to the Workforce Australia Program (Quality Assurance Principles).

TQCSI also audits against the relevant standards for other industry specific codes. TQCSI's own Small Business Quality Management Code has been tailored to the successful Food Safety Program, CCF Civil Construction Management Code, Quality, Health Safety, Environment and many others.

Why use TQCSI - what are the advantages?

  • TQCSI provides a no nonsense, practical approach to interpreting your management system in accordance with the requirements of the appropriate Standard. We are dedicated to providing total customer satisfaction while maintaining a credible, logical understanding of the Standards and an appreciation of your Company's needs.
  • TQCSI employs carefully selected auditors who have had extensive business experience, who understand business demands and who are qualified auditors. Whenever possible, we use local auditors to reduce costs.
  • TQCSI offers a cost effective service designed to be attractive to all companies and, in particular, those small companies which comprise the majority of our business structure within Australasia and Asia.
  • TQCSI responds, our team is available to visit at your convenience for a no obligation, free quotation and to explain what services are available prior to your formal application for certification.
  • TQCSI services are available when required and will fit into your timetable for audits. 
  • TQCSI conducts regular surveillance audits scheduled to conform with your availability.
  • TQCSI was initially developed to provide the market with a readily available alternative to the larger, more bureaucratic certification bodies. We offer prompt service with a practical application at a real cost advantage.
  • TQCSI processes certification faster than any other certification body.
  • TQCSI promotes your certification through the E-Certificates on our website.

The Certification Process

Certification process of business management systems

Contact with the TQCSI Office will provide the opportunity for a discussion where the proposed system requirements and conditions of certification will be explained in detail. You will be provided with a clear understanding of what is required and be given plenty of opportunity to ask for clarification until completely aware of the responsibilities of both parties.

For large companies, or those with diverse operations, it may be desirable at this stage for TQCSI to visit and view your Company's operations and services.
Once the necessary information has been solicited, you will be given a firm quotation for certification services with all costs explained and no hidden charges to worry about. Quotations may also be requested via our website: www.tqcsi.com. Quotations will normally be forwarded by mail with an Information Pack which will include the Rules of Certification and an Application Form.

A proposed time frame for the certification will then be agreed upon.

Once you decide to accept TQCSI for certification, you should complete the Application Form and forward it to the local TQCSI Office.

On receipt of the application, you will receive an acknowledgment which, in itself, may be used to demonstrate to customers that you have made a firm commitment to proceed to third party certification. You may then contact TQCSI, at any stage, to discuss any issues regarding our services and the certification process.

When your Policy Manual has been completed, you should contact the TQCSI Office to arrange for a Document Review. The Review will determine the Manual's conformance with the formal Standard and it may reveal discrepancies that require correction before the Pre-Audit and/or System Audit can be conducted. This Document Review is normally conducted at TQCSI but may be completed at your premises. This Review prepares your documentation for ultimate assessment. For Food Safety Programs, the HACCP Plan will also be required for the Document Review.

Following the Document Review you will be provided with a written report detailing any areas requiring attention.

As an optional service, you may undertake a Pre-Audit to preview your Company's preparedness for the System Audit. While this service will not review every function of the system it will, in most cases, be sufficient to provide a realistic measurement of the system's development. It should be conducted within one to two months of the System Audit and many companies have found it beneficial in highlighting any major discrepancies prior to the more formal assessment. The Pre-Audit will also allow the Auditor to accurately forecast what resources will be required to conduct the formal assessment. A Pre-Audit is mandatory for Environmental Management Systems (Stage 1 Audit).

When you believe the system is operating as documented, continued effective operation within the system has developed a viable history of performance and you have addressed issues identified at the Stage 1 Audit, the Stage 2 Audit can be arranged.

The Stage 2 Audit will ensure that .......

'you have written what you are doing and you are doing what you have written'

...... and all operations are in conformance with the requirements of the Standard and your System documentation.

If a minor nonconformance is found during the System Audit you will be required to provide an Action Plan to address the relevant issues. On receipt of a satisfactory Action Plan detailing the target dates for rectification, certification to proceed will be recommended.

If a major nonconformance is found during the System Audit you will be required to take appropriate action to rectify the problems and then have the relevant issues re-audited. Successful rectification will then allow certification to proceed.

Providing the Stage 2 Audit demonstrates compliance to the Standard and recognised nonconformances have been corrected, or there is an agreed action plan in place, your Company will be recommended for certification. The recommendation will then be submitted to the TQCSI Certification Approval Panel for ratification.

You will be asked to sign a Certification Contract, which explains your responsibilities and the responsibilities of TQCSI to ensure your System remains compliant following certification. Your Company will then be listed in the TQCSI List of Certified Organisations and, for JASANZ accredited programs, on the JASANZ Register. You will then be forwarded your Certificate of Registration. Formal notice of certification is normally forwarded within five days of certification approval.

You may then use the TQCSI certification marks and other approved marks for promotional and identification purposes. The TQCSI certification mark highlights your commitment to continually improving your Company's operations in accordance with International and/or industry specific standards. TQCSI Rules of Certification contain the guidelines for the use of these marks.

Normally once per year (depending on the size of your Company), the TQCSI Auditor will visit and check your system to ensure it is continuing to conform with the Standard. The frequency and length of these Surveillance Audits is determined by international guidelines. Should nonconformances be recognised during these audits you will be required to correct the relevant issue within a time frame determined by you and the Auditor. Continued failure to correct the nonconformances as requested may result in suspension of certification.

On the third anniversary of your original certification, you will undergo a reassessment similar to that of the initial Stage 2 Audit. This requirement is designed to ensure that the entire system is continuing to be applied in conformance with the Standard. On completion of the Triennial Audit, a new Certification Contract will be signed and the three year cycle will start again. A new Certificate of Registration will then be issued.

Point of Contact

You are always welcome to contact your local TQCSI Office to clarify any issues with your certification. The TQCSI Office will either address the issue on the spot or refer the matter to your Auditor accordingly.

Companies already certified

Special conditions apply to companies who are already certified with other certification bodies and wish to transfer to TQCSI. The process to transfer is simple and often more cost effective than remaining with a certification body that is providing inferior service. Details are available on request.

Multiple-site companies

Companies controlling multiple-site operations will be advised by the local TQCSI Office on the most effective option in which to proceed towards certification. There is sufficient flexibility in the certification requirements to enable a range of options to suit individual needs in the most cost effective manner.


Certification of systems is recognition by an independent body that the respective management system is being conducted in accordance with pre-established and formally recognised standards.

It is also an assurance to other companies that your services and/or products are controlled and include a continual improvement program.

Essentially, it provides your customers and potential customers with the confidence that your Company will produce the same product or service repeatedly and that you will respond to any complaints or suggestions for improvement.


TQCSI provides a complete assurance to its clients that all information and data observed and/or used during auditing activities will remain confidential and will not be revealed in any form to any unauthorised person.

Our assurance to you

TQCSI provides a reputable, honest and credible certification. We maintain the highest standards upon which you and your customers can rely.

Are you ready to get certified?

Contact us to find out how