Remote Re-accreditation

Posted on April 23, 2020

TQCSI has been recommended for re-accreditation by JAS-ANZ (Joint Accreditation System – Australia New Zealand) following a fully remote re-assessment, the first of its kind for JAS-ANZ.

TQCSI logo and JAS-ANZ logo

TQCSI, the largest JAS-ANZ accredited management system certification body in the world, was remotely assessed this week at our Adelaide Head Office by JAS-ANZ. Driven by JAS-ANZ Lead Assessor John Parr, a team of five assessors worked remotely from their homes in Auckland, Wellington, Gold Coast and Perth.

The assessment went smoothly and all assessment objectives were met. And there's a message from this assessment for all of us conducting remote assessments and audits – planning, planning, planning! The very significant factor in making this remote assessment successful was TQCSI making available to JAS-ANZ all relevant documentation, including numerous client and auditor files, well in advance. That allowed the JAS-ANZ assessors to work through those files the week prior to the actual assessment and limited the actual assessment to just two days where JAS-ANZ could concentrate on issues or queries arising from their preparatory review.

TQCSI's Managing Director, Craig Bates, praised JAS-ANZ for the assessment's format and commented that "this type of review with work done in preparation rather than trawling through files during the actual assessment with the client, saved significant time for us. It made the actual assessment a little more intense, of course, but the time went quickly!"

Such methodology won't be for every type of assessment or audit but is ideal for those assessments/audits which are more focussed on file or case review. There are risks, of course, the main ones being the assessors/auditors forming judgement on issues raised before the client can clarify; and the other not ensuring clients' documents and data provided in advance are retained confidentially and deleted on completion.

"There's no doubt that remote auditing will be an important part of the new norm for our certification operations post COVID-19 and this methodology experienced this week, will need to be included in our planning and risk assessments" Craig Bates said.

Another positive outcome from these strange times of COVID-19 and evidence of TQCSI and JASANZ working collaboratively to advance credible accredited ISO management system certification – well done to all concerned.