Revised Standards for ISO 22000, ISO 9004, and ISO 20700.

Revised Standards: ISO 22000

Posted on September 26, 2017

Find out more about the recent updates to ISO 22000, as well as changes to ISO 9004 and ISO 20700.

Revised Standards for ISO 22000, ISO 9004, and ISO 20700.

A new version of ISO 22000 for food safety is now at the DIS (draft international stage) – it is in the new High Level Structure format.

So is ISO 9004 (Quality management – Quality of an organisation – Guidance to achieve sustained success) – it provides a framework, which can assist organizations achieve ongoing success through identifying strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for improvements or change.

There's even a new standard for management consultants - ISO 20700 (Guidelines for management consultancy services) aims to increase transparency and effectiveness for both client and consultancy – it gives practical guidelines based on outcomes and emphasizes the importance of understanding clients' needs.