Certification quotation - TQCSI the largest JASANZ management systems certifcation body in the world


Certification quotation - TQCSI the largest JASANZ management systems certifcation body in the world

Our Resources page provides easy access to a range of links, policies and pages, whether you are an existing TQCSI client, or hoping to discover more about how certification with TQCSI can improve your business. 

Rules of Certification

Here, you can view the “TQCSI Rules of Certification”, applicable to the entirely of TQCSI International Pty Ltd, as well as “TQCSI Rules of Certification (FSSC 22000 Version 6),” developed for TQCSI and our clients certified against FSSC 22000. 

Auditor Code of Conduct

At TQCSI, our vision is to be the most respected, third-party certification body, wherever we operate. As such, the integrity of our auditors is part of the foundation of our organisation. Click here to read our Auditor Code of Conduct.

Useful Links

Here, you will find links to resources and useful information regarding standards, certification and accreditation bodies, including Standards Australia, the JASANZ Register, and Foundation FSSC 22000. You can also find our Capability Statement, and search functionality for companies certified to standards.


Are you looking to implement a management system for your small business? Maybe your organisation has an existing management system that you would like to improve. Perhaps your growing organisation is aiming to certify to an ISO standard in the future, but needs a stepping stone in the meantime. Our TQCSI Codes offer solutions to all these scenarios, plus more. Click here to explore our Codes.

Systems Policies

Alongside our General Policy, which applies to all standards, some specific standards and codes have their own dedicated policies. These unique policies offer detailed explanations of the auditing and certification requirements for each program. Visit this page to view each policy.

Food Defence & Food Fraud

To safeguard business operations and consumers from internal and external threats, organisations within the food industry are implementing a Food Defence Plan and a Food Fraud Vulnerability Plan. Visit this page for more information on food defence, food fraud, and how your business can best protect itself.

TQCSI Australian Promotional Material

The TQCSI tick of certification signals to your customers, stakeholders and potential clients that your business is has achieved third party certification. If your organisation is certified through TQCSI Australia, click here to find out more about certification promotional material.

Promoting your Certification

Certification Marks are a public display of your third party certification. View this page to find out more about how to you can promote your certification through Certification Marks, both physically and electronically.

Policies and Disclaimers

Here you can find and view a copy our policies and disclaimers.